Tuesday, June 3, 2014

KLM Carl Siegert Dutch Bread

Whole Wheat Bread - Volkorenbrood

4 cups whole wheat flour (500g)
2/3 Tbsp salt (10g)
1 1/5 cups cold tap water (300ml)
1 1/2 Tbsp Live Yeast (20g)
additional 1/2 cup (100ml) water
olive oil

Mix the flour and salt in a pile on flat surface. Make a well in the middle, make sure that all sides is an even thickness. The well should measure about 8 inches across (about 20 cm). Dissolve the fresh yeast in the water, by rubbing the yeast between thumb and forefinger until it's dissolved. Add the water slowly. Using the tips of your fingers start amalgamating the edges of the flour with the water and keep mixing until it starts forming a thoroughly mixed dough.
Start kneading the dough. Knead for 15 minutes (you can also use a mixer with a dough hook attachment). Add up to 1/2 cup of additional water, making sure the dough is wet but sloppy. after 15 minutes dough should feel wet and supple (spongy) but not sticky.
Form a ball with the dough and wrap it in a clean, warm, damp tea towel. Allow to rise for 30-45 minutes at room temperature. The dough will increase by about 1/3 volume. Remove the tea towel, pummel the dough with your fists and then form it back into a ball, wrap in the tea towel and again allow to rise for 30-45 minutes. Grease a bread tin with olive oil. Wet the work surface, remove the tea towel from the dough and press flat on work surface. Form the dough into a sausage shape and place in bread tin. Cover the bread to rise for another 30 minutes until increased by 1/3.
Preheat oven to 428 degrees F (220 C). Reduce temperature to 392 degrees F (200 C0 and place bread in oven. Bake for 35-40 minutes. Remove the bread and allow to cool on wire rack.

Carl Siegert
bakkers sinds 1891

I had this on the way home from Hamburg as a chicken salad sandwich. It was one of the best slider sandwiches I have had, let alone on an airplane. KLM was a good airline to fly with.